An innovative carbon neutral wine in the heart of the Margaux appellation

26 May 2023

We are proud to unveil our new carbon neutral wine, a project that marks a turning point in our commitment to biodiversity and the environment. We have been working on these issues for many years with precision and care and now we are embarking on this new challenge.

A test cuvée as part of a global approach

Our team have been working on the development and implementation of this project, which represents the first stages of a global approach within the estate. The aim of this test cuvée is to implement concrete actions to reduce our carbon footprint, initially on the scale of one wine and subsequently on all our production methods. With this in mind, a carbon footprint assessment is carried out by our teams via the company Climate Partner in order to identify our areas for improvement. From the treatment of the vines, through ageing, to bottling, everything is carefully analysed to meet the requirements of such a project.

We meticulously choose our partners, ensuring that they share the same environmental commitments at each stage of production, as well as the same desire to improve their practices. This is how a global project to reduce our carbon footprint got underway, which has been taking shape in the vineyard since April.

Responsible partners

The pilot cuvée concerns a single plot of Cabernet Sauvignon within our 49 hectare vineyard. For the soil work, Château Dauzac has teamed up with its first partner, Bioboon Agrology, which is accompanying the estate with inputs made from 100% natural raw materials that stimulate the plant’s natural immunity and improve the biological life of the soil, in use since April.

Like the Grand Vin, the Neutral Carbon Cuvée will be aged for 15 months in barrels. These barrels are the subject of a call for tenders from coopers in the region, who will have to offer us a low carbon impact solution. The wine will then be bottled in June 2025 in reused bottles sealed with vegetable wax to replace the capsules. As for the rest of the packaging, studies are underway to ensure that it is in harmony with the rest of the wine. The distribution of this wine will be reserved for the short distance circuit, being sold only in the Bordeaux region and delivered from the property by electric car.

Thus, from the daily work of our teams to the choice of each of our partners, everything has been thought out to reduce our carbon impact as much as possible, right up to the offsetting which will be done on the spot, at the property. Beyond being an innovation, this vintage is the symbol of our commitment, made several years ago, to better understand our environment and to work daily to preserve it.
